
泉州东尚服饰有限公司地处福建泉州鲤城区常泰街道,公司青山绿树环抱,环境优美,地理条件优越,交通便捷,距离泉州市区5~6公里,距离泉州动车站6~7公里,距离晋江机场15公里,交通四通八达,多部公交车(4路、40路、101)途经或直达公司,酒店、车站、医院、公办优质学校(从幼儿园到小学、初中),应有尽有。 公司主要生产各类服装,系一家行业内专业的瑜珈服、跑步服、单车服与男士内裤生产商,拥有自营进出口经营权。企业融合行业内优秀的设计开发、生产团队,团队核心成员均具有10年以上相关工作经验。目前公司具有行业先进工艺的生产流水线12条,员工200多人,并以专业的队伍、严谨的管理、先进的设备,着力打造完美的产品,来提升国际买家的满意度。 公司目前实行外销为主,计划开发内销为辅的策略!外销:每年定期多次参加广交会、澳大利亚服装展等专业展会,产品深受国外采购商的好评; 应欧美市场需要,公司通了欧洲高级别的体系认证SA8000 & BSCI认证,公司还顺利的成为了Sedex、 Target、Disney、Marvel、Spiderman 等品牌的授权生产厂家。多次通过TUV、ITS、SGS、BV机构审核认证,为打开欧美中高端市场提供坚实的基础和有力的保证,管理日益科学、现代化,有效地提高了品质和效率。 Quanzhou East Sun Garments Co., Ltd. founded in 2003, is an enterprise engaged in the production of knitted clothing which are mainly for export. Our company now owns standardized workshops of 10,000 square meters and about 200 employees. And including the advanced production system introduced from Japan, we have a series of facilities for weaving, printing, and clothes making. Our company has been improving the competitive ability with scientific and standardized management system, and has exploited oversea markets with products of high quality and thorough, prompt service. Our products mainly cover Sportswear(Yogawear、Runningwear、Cyclingwear) and man & woman's underwear (such as brief, boxer,trunk,vest,T-shirt,bra), night wear,children wear,baby wear, which are mainly sold to Europe (primarily UK and Germany), America, Japan, Australia and Southeast Asia. We have high prestige and reputation among customers. 


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